Getting Involved

We run an extremely lean organization, so we depend on and appreciate our volunteers and donors greatly. We could not do this without YOU.

Food and Clothing Donations

Please, please DO NOT DUMP donations at any of our doors, especially outside of our regular operational hours!! Food left outside spoils or gets contaminated by rodents and is unusable — it will be thrown away.

Food items can be dropped off from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday through Thursday or by special arrangement with staff. We try to maintain a stock of the following foods, but all donations are welcome:

  • Canned Fruit
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Pasta and Rice
  • Dry and Canned Beans
  • Cornmeal, Flour & Sugar
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • Canned Protein (meat, tuna,chicken)

We accept only gently used children’s clothing, coats, hats and gloves for children and adults.  Please take all adult clothing, toys, furniture, etc. to a local thrift store and help us make the most of our time in helping how we can.

  • Arc Thrift Store, 1515 S Broadway, Denver, CO 80210
  • Arc Thrift Store, 255 S Hooker St, Denver, CO 80219
  • Mile High Thrift, 2085 S Sheridan Blvd, Denver, CO 80227
  • Goodwill, 3155 S Platte River Dr, Englewood, CO 80010
  • Goodwill, Bear Valley, 3100 S. Sheridan Blvd. Denver, CO 80227
  • Arc Thrift Store, Bear Valley, 3125 S Sheridan Blvd., Denver, CO 80227

Use your King Sooper's SooperCard

King Soopers SooperCardYou can now use your SooperCard to benefit Community Ministry every time you use it! Enroll now at

Buy Things We Need from Amazon

Help us out by buying things for us off of our Amazon Wish Lists. Click on these links for quick access:

Host a Food Drive

Would your business, school, church, organization or event be willing host a food drive to help supply Community Ministry’s needs? Contact us today to get details and help to set it up.

Garden Sharing

There are a number of ways you can help us provide fresh produce during the gardening season. Join a local gardening group like “The Table” that shares a portion of their crops with us. Volunteer to work in one of the donated garden spaces or donate your own space. Or even donate a portion of what you’ve raised in your own garden. Be assured our clients love to get fresh vegetables for their tables!

Volunteer when it works for YOU

Whether you have a special skill that would benefit us or just have time to give, contact one of our staff or send us an email of your interest. We can train you … or maybe you can train us! We cannot do this work without your help. Check out our Volunteer Event Calendar.


Even with the volunteered time and donated food and clothing, we still buy food to provide a well-balanced selection to our clients. Usually we are able to get bulk discounted items to make our dollars stretch as far as possible. We are worth your investment.

Community Ministry FEIN: 84-0602837

Donate a Vehicle

Never forget — When the time comes to get rid of your old car, truck, RV, or boat, Community Ministry WOULD LOVE TO BENEFIT! Fast, Free, Friendly. Better than Low Trade-in or High Repairs. And a Big “Thanks” from us. Just CLICK here for more information! Or Call 866.628.2277.

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